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Nasreddin the Saz player

Someones asked Hodja if he knows how to play Saz (a Turkish musical instrument),
-Yes, answered the Hodja
And they give a Saz to the Hodja to prove.
He began to play.
Same note, same string, over and over.
After a few minutes, people stopped Hodja's playing,
-Hodja, this is not the correct way of playing the saz, you play the same note. The saz players move their fingers up and down, play on different strings!
-Well, I know why they go up and down and try all different strings.
-Why is that?
-They're looking for *this* note that I allready found...

::  Nasreddin Hodja  ::

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   Sagesses & Connaissance
La Station du Prophete (s) dans la Présence Divine
La Station du Prophete (s) dans la Présence Divine
Sh Nazim Al-Haqqani :: 21 janvier 2007
Reconstruisez votre personnalité
Ô gens, venez, écoutez et demandez la vérité. Demander la vérité est la caractéristique la plus importante des humains.
Cheikh Nazim al-Haqqani :: 02 juin 2006
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Mettre sa vie au service du Prophète
Ch. Hisham Kabbani :: 18 août 2004
   Poèmes - Citation - Humour







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