Expensive Birds
Nasreddin Hodja approached to a crowd gathered around a man in the market of Aksehir. The man was trying to sell his own bird and its
price was too high, 50 Akce (old Turkish gold coin). On the other side, one chicken was for 5 Akce. The Hodja couldn't get the much difference in the prices and asks;
-My fellow countryman, what kind of bird is it
you want 50 Akce?
-Hodja Effendi, this one is not a kind of bird that you know, this has special property.
-What is its speciality?
-My Hodja, this bird is called parrot and speaks.
The Hodja suddenly runs home, takes his turkey from the coop, and comes back to the market. He stays near the man selling the parrot and loudly;
-This bird you see is only for 100 Akce, come, comeee!
The most surprised man in the crowd was the seller of the parrot and he asks;
-My Hodja, isn't 100 Akce too high for a turkey?
-But you are selling yours for 50 Akce, replies Hodja.
-But mine speaks as I said before
-So what, mine thinks!
:: Nasreddin Hodja ::
Version Imprimable
Anéantir l'égo
| Toute réunion qui n’est faite au nom Dieu afin que nous lui offrions notre plus grand respect ou si elle n’est pas faite pour l’honneur du plus bénis des serviteurs, l’Envoyé de Dieu (Paix et Bénédiction sur lui), une telle réunion n’a pas de valeur.
Cheikh Nazim al-Haqqani
22 mai 2006
Et Nous lui avons appris la connaissance de Notre Présence Divine
| Nous lisons des discours de mon Grand-Cheikh. Grand-Cheikh était un homme illettré, mais Allah Tout-puissant apprend à certaines personnes parce qu'ils enlèvent tout de leurs coeurs excépté leur Seigneur et ils choisissent leur Seigneur par dessus tout
Cheikh Nazim al-Haqqani
12 août 2001
Toutes les nouveautes...
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Smell of the dream
Smell of the dream (Dead tired Hodja came home and thought:Suppose that I have delighted soup here, now.)
Nasreddin Hodja
01 fevrier 2002
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