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   Poèmes - Citations - Sagesses & Anecdotes


One day Hodja went to market to buy new clothes. First he tested a pair of trousers. He didn't like the trousers and he gave back them to the shopkeeper. Then he tried a robe which had same price as the trousers. Hodja was pleased with the robe and he left the shop. Before he climbed on the donkey to ride home he stopped by the shopkeeper and the shop-assistant.
- You didn't pay for the robe, said the shopkeeper.
- But I gave you the trousers instead of the robe, isn't it?replied Hodja.
- Yes, but you didn't pay for the trousers, either! said the shopkeeper.
- But I didn't buy the trousers, replied Hodja. I am not so stupid to pay for something which I newer bought.

::  Nasreddin Hodja  ::

Version Imprimable
   Sagesses & Connaissance
La véritable foi
La véritable foi
Sh Nazim Al-Haqqani :: 08 janvier 2007
La priere des gens de la realisation
A chaque fois que vous prononcez ces paroles avec une, intention sincère et que vous vous asseyez pour vous souvenir d'Allah swt,
Ch. Hisham Kabbani :: 18 janvier 2008
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   Article aléatoire
Tamerlane's price - II
Tamerlane's price - II (One day, Tamerlane and Hodja together take a trip)
Nasreddin Hodja :: 01 fevrier 2002
   Poèmes - Citation - Humour







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