If we don't cry, who will?
Tamerlane was an ugly man, blind in one eye and limped on one leg. One day, while Hodja was with him, Tamerlane scratched his hair, wanted to cut it and shouted the people
-call the barber!
The barber comes in,cuts his hair and as always the same, gives a mirror to his hand. Tamerlane looking in the mirror sees himself and finds out ugly one. He starts crying. Hodja cries too with him. So they cry together for some hours. People near Tamerlane try to calm him down by telling comic stories. His crying stops, but not Hodja's. At last,
-Listen! says Tamerlane to Hodja. I looked in mirror, found out myself ugly one, became sad; because I am not only the king, but also rich, I have many women. I am ugly, this was the reason why I cried. But what about you? Why
did you cry and keep crying still?"
-You looked in the mirror just once, saw yourself and cried since you couldn't resist. But what shall we, people who have to see your face all the days and nights,do? If we do not cry, who will? This is the reason why I am crying! replies Hodja.
:: Nasreddin Hodja ::
Version Imprimable
Quand le mensonge est appelé vérité
| Quand le mensonge est appelé vérité , Tel est l'ordre des choses qui prévaut à notre époque ; chaque valeur morale se retrouve bouleversée de telle manière que les gens ne sont plus capables de distinguer le Bien du Mal
Sh Nazim Al-Haqqani
08 janvier 2007
Anéantir l'égo
| Toute réunion qui n’est faite au nom Dieu afin que nous lui offrions notre plus grand respect ou si elle n’est pas faite pour l’honneur du plus bénis des serviteurs, l’Envoyé de Dieu (Paix et Bénédiction sur lui), une telle réunion n’a pas de valeur.
Cheikh Nazim al-Haqqani
22 mai 2006
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31 janvier 2002
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