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Help yourself my fur coat

One day the Hodja was invited to a wedding. Having arrived in his shabby, everybody clothing nobody seemed to take any notice of him. Well, this wouldn't do. He bided his chance and slipped out unnoticed.
He returned, wearing his best robe and his fine fur coat. From the entrance on he was overwhelmed with compliments, given the best seat at the table and urged to partake of the choicest morsels. Smiling, he began to dip the sleeve of his fur coat into the dishes, saying:
- Help yourself, my fur coat!
- What are you doing, Hodja Effendi? cried the host and some guests in alarm.
- Why, i was just inviting my fur coat to partake of these delicacies, since it seems to command so much respect! A few minutes ago, without my fur coat, i wasn't even noticed. Because of it, i am now being overwhelmed with attentions!.

::  Nasreddin Hodja  ::

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   Sagesses & Connaissance
Quand le mensonge est appelé vérité
Quand le mensonge est appelé vérité , Tel est l'ordre des choses qui prévaut à notre époque ; chaque valeur morale se retrouve bouleversée de telle manière que les gens ne sont plus capables de distinguer le Bien du Mal
Sh Nazim Al-Haqqani :: 08 janvier 2007
La priere des gens de la realisation
A chaque fois que vous prononcez ces paroles avec une, intention sincère et que vous vous asseyez pour vous souvenir d'Allah swt,
Ch. Hisham Kabbani :: 18 janvier 2008
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Let it cry!
Let it cry! (One night, Hodja was waken up by his wife while their baby was crying in his cradle.)
Nasreddin Hodja :: 02 mars 2002
   Poèmes - Citation - Humour







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