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My word or the word of my donkey

One day the Hodja answered a knock at his door and found that it was one of his neighbours, whom disliked particularly.
-Hodja Effendi, can I borrow your donkey for the day?
he wanted to know.
-Sorry, neigbour, replied the Hodja. Of course you could borrow it, if I had it here, but it is not in, just now.
Just then the donkey started to bray!
-I am surprised at you, Hodja Effendi! I can hear your
donkey bray, just when you say it's not in!.
-I am the one who is surprised; yes, and outraged too!
shouted the Hodja. ' A neigbour like you I'd rather not have, disbelieving my word, but believing that of my donkey!'.

::  Nasreddin Hodja  ::

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Tout l'univers glorifie Allah le Seigneur des mondes.
Glorifier Allah procure la vraie vie! L'univers tout entier est un orchestre à la glorification du divin
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La Station du Prophete (s) dans la Présence Divine
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Nasreddin and The Wise Men
Nasreddin and The Wise Men (The philosophers, logicians and doctors of law were drawn up at Court to examine Nasreddin.)
Nasreddin Hodja :: 02 mars 2002
   Poèmes - Citation - Humour







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