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   Poèmes - Citations - Sagesses & Anecdotes

Whatever you say

One day Tamerlane invited Hodja to his palace for dinner. The royal chef prepared, among others, a cabbage recipe for the occasion. After the dinner, Tamerlane asked,
- How did you like the cabbage?
- It was very delicious, complimented Hodja.
- I thought it tasted awful, said Tamerlane.
- You're right, added Hodja,it was very bland.
- But you just said it tasted delicious, Tamerlane noted.
- Yes, but I'm the servant of His Majesty, not of the cabbage, he replied.

::  Nasreddin Hodja  ::

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   Sagesses & Connaissance
La priere des gens de la realisation
A chaque fois que vous prononcez ces paroles avec une, intention sincère et que vous vous asseyez pour vous souvenir d'Allah swt,
Ch. Hisham Kabbani :: 18 janvier 2008
O humains, prenez garde à la colère Céleste
Sh Nazim al-Haqqani :: 10 mai 2006
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Abdoul Khaliq al-Ghoujdawani
cAbdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani (r) He was known as the Shaikh of Miracles, One Who Shone Like the Sun, and he was the Master of the high stations of spirituality of his time. He was a Perfect Knower (carif kamil) in sufism and accomplished in asceticism.
Shaykh Hisham Kabbani :: 30 janvier 2002
   Poèmes - Citation - Humour







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