Bitten ear
Two men came before Nasreddin Hodja when he was magistrate. The first man said,
- This man has bitten my ear -- I demand compensation.
The second man said,
- He bit it himself.
Hodja withdrew to his chambers, and spent an hour trying to bite his own ear. He succeeded only in falling over and bruising his forehead. Returning to the courtroom, Hodja pronounced,
- Examine the man whose ear was bitten. If his forehead is bruised, he did it himself and the case is dismissed. If his forehead is not bruised, the other man did it and must pay three silver pieces.
:: Nasreddin Hodja ::
Version Imprimable
Reconstruisez votre personnalité
| Ô gens, venez, écoutez et demandez la vérité. Demander la vérité est la caractéristique la plus importante des humains.
Cheikh Nazim al-Haqqani
02 juin 2006
Des comparaisons que Dieu fait de l’attestation d’Unité
| ieu compare l’attestation d’Unité (kalimat at-tawhid) :
- à de l’eau parce que l’eau nettoie, et que de même cette phrase nettoie des péchés,
- au sol parce que le sol donne beaucoup en échange d’une simple graine, et que de même cette phrase rappor
Shaikh Hisham Kabbani
30 janvier 2002
Toutes les nouveautes...
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The Turkish bath
The Turkish bath (One day Molla went to a Turkish bath but as he was dressed so poorly, the attendants didn't pay much attention to him. )
Nasreddin Hodja
19 janvier 2002
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