Allah nous envoie quelqu’un pour Le représenter, Lui et Sa Gloire, Son Pouvoir, Son Amour, Sa Beauté, Son Savoir et Sa Sagesse infinie.Je ne dis pas que ces représentants sont une représentation entière… peut-être seulement un atome.
Le Secret a été transmis et passé du Maître de toutes les Nations, le Messager d'Allah au premier Khalif, l'Imam des Imams, Abou Bakr . Grâce à lui la religion a été soutenue et la Vérité protégée. Allah le mentionne et le loue dans le Saint Coran à trav
Nasreddin Hodja used to take his donkey across a frontier every day, with the panniers loaded with straw. Since he admitted to being a smuggler when he trudged home every night, the frontier guards searched him again and again. They searched his person, sifted the straw, steeped it in water, even burned it from time to time. Meanwhile he was visibly more and more prosperous.
Then he retired and went to live in another country. Here one of the customs officers met him, years later.
-You can tell me now, Hodja, he said. Whatever was it that you were smuggling, when we could never catch you out?
- Donkeys, said Hodja. Donkeys and just only donkeys.