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   La priere de Asr

  1. Adhan (appel à la prière)

    Allahou akbar 4 fois
    Ash-hadou an la ilaaha illa llah 2 fois
    Ash-hadou anna Mouhammadan Rassoulou-llah 2 fois
    Hayyia ‘ala salah 2 fois
    Hayyia ‘alal falah 2 fois
    Allahou akbar 2 time
    La ilaha illa-llah 1 time

    (le adhan est fait, et maintenant envoyez le saluts au Prophète et ses frères prophètes)

    As-salatou wassalamou ‘alayk, ya man arsalahou-llahou ta’ala rahmatan lil ‘aalamin

    As-salatou wassalamou ‘alayk, wa ‘ala alika wa sahbika ajma’in

    As-salatou wassalamou ‘alaykoum, ya anbiya Allah

  2. Dou`a' ( invocation pour le adhan)
    Allahoumma Rabba hadhihi eddawati taama, wassalatil qa’ima, aati Sayyidina Mouhammad al-wasilata wal fadilata, wa darajatal rafi’atal ‘aliyya, wab’ath-hou, ya Rabbi, al-maqamal mahmouda-ladhi wa’adtahou, warzouqna shafa’atouhou yawmal-qiyama, innaka la toukhlifoul mi’ad; wa zawwijna min houril ‘ayn

Quatre rak’ats sounna

Kalimatou Shahada (3 fois)

Astaghfiroullah (100 fois)

Souratoul Ikhlas (3 fois)...

Soubhana rabbika rabbil `izzati `amma yasifoun, was salamoun `alal moursaliin wal hamdulil-lahi rabbil `aalamiin


ila sharafin Nabiy (s) wa alihi wa ashabihil kiram, wa ila mashayikhina fit tarikati Naqshbandiyatil `aliya, khassatan ila rouhi imami tariqa Shah Baha'ou diin Naqshband Mouhammadoul Ouweysi-oul-Boukhari, wa ila Mawlana Soultanoul awliya' Cheikh `Abdoullah Fa'iz ad-Daghoustani, wa Oustadhina Mawlana Cheikh Nazim al-Haqqani, wa sa'ir sadatina was siddiqiin al-Fatiha.

Iqamat assalat

(Allahoumma salli ‘ala Mouhammadin wa ‘ala aali Mouhammad)

Allahou Akbar 4 fois
Ash-hadou an la ilaha illa-llah 2 fois
Ash-hadou anna Mouhammadan Rassoulou-llah 2 fois
Hayyia ‘ala s-salat 2 fois
Hayyia ‘ala-l falah 2 fois
Qad qamati s-salat 2 fois
Allahou Akbar 2 fois
La ilaha illa-llah 1 fois

Quatre Rak`at fard

Istaghfirou-llah (3 fois) OU Astaghfirou llaha l'adhiimal-ladhi la ilaha illa Houwal Hayyoul Qayyoum wa atoubou ilayh

Dou`a' (invocation)

Allahoumma anta s-salamou wa minka s-salam, tabarakta wa ta'alayta, ya dhal Jalali wal ikram.
La ilaha illa-llah, wahdahou la sharika lah, lahoul moulk, wa lahoul hamd, wa houwa 'al kulli shay'in qadiir. Sami`na wa at`ana ghoufranaka Rabbana wa ilaykal masiir.

Ala Rassoulina salawat; Astaghfirou-llah; Soubhana-llah, wal hamdou lillah, wa la ilaha illa-llah, wa-llahou akbar, wa la hawla wa la qouwwata illa bi-llahi l'aliyyil Adhiim.

Ayatoul Koursi (2:163) et le Verset de Trone (2:255)

A'udhou bi-llahi mina sh-sheytani r-rajiim; Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahiim.
Wa ilahoukoum ilahoun wahidoun, la ilaha illa Houwa r-Rahmanou r-Raheem.
Allahou la ilaha illa Houwal Hayyoul Qayyoum,
La ta'-khoudhouhou sinatoun wa la nawm,
lahou ma fi s-samawati wa ma fil ard,
man dha l-ladthi yashfa'ou 'indahou illa bi idhnih,
ya'lamou ma bayna aydiihim wa ma khalfahoum,
wa la youhiitouna bi shayy'in min 'ilmihi illa bi ma sha',
wasi'a koursiyyouhou s-samawati wal ard,
wa la ya-oudouhou hifdhouhouma,
wa Houwal 'Aliyyoul Adhiim
Sadaqa-llahoul Adhiim


Soubhanaka ya 'Adhiim,
Soubhana-llah (33 fois)

'Ala ni'-matil Islam, wa sharafil Iman, da-iman
Al-Hamdou-lillah (33 fois)

Ta'ala sha'-nuhu, wa la ilaha ghayrouh,
Allahou Akbar (33 fois)

Allahou akbar kabiiran, wal hamdou lil-lahi kathiiran,
wa soubhana-llahi boukratan wa asiila,
La ilaha illa-llah wahdahou la shariika lah,
lahoul moulk, wa lahoul hamd,
youhyii wa youmiit, wa Houwa 'ala koulli shay-in qadir.
Soubhana Rabbil 'Aliyoul a'alal Wah-haab.

Dou`a' (Invocation personelle)


(Allahoumma salli 'ala Mouhammadin wa 'ala aali Mouhammadin wa sallim)
Bismillahil r-Rahmani r-Rahiim,
Alhamdou lillahi r-Rabbil 'Alamiin,
Ar-Rahmaner Rahiim, maliki yawmidiin,
iyyaka na'a-boudou wa iyyaka nasta'iin
ihdinas siratal moustakiim,
siratal ladhiina an'amta 'alayhim,
ghayril maghdoobi 'alaykim,
wala d-daaliin

Kalimatou sh-shahada

Ash-hadou an la ilaha illa-llah, wa ash-hadou anna Mouhammadan 'abdouhou wa rasoulouh (3 fois)


Astaghfiroul-lah (100 fois)

Astaghfiroul-lah min koulli dhanbin wa ma`a-siyatin, wa min koulli ma youkhalifou dinal Islam, ya arhama r-Rahimiin

Souratoul Moulk

Souratoul Iklas (3 fois)

Souratoul Falaq

Souratoun Nas

La ilaha illal lah (10 fois) Mouhammadou rassouloullah, salla-llahou ta`ala `alayhi wa `ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallam


Allahoumma salli `ala Mouhammadin wa `ala aali Mouhammadin wa sallim (10 fois)


Salli ya Rabbi wa sallim `ala jami`il anbiya'i wa1 moursaliin, wa `ala aali koulli ajma`iin, wal hamdou li-lahi Rabbil-`alamiin

`Ala ashrafil `alamina Seyyidina Mouhammadini s-salawat (sallam).

`Ala afdalil `alamina Seyyidina Mouhammadini s-salawat (sallam).

`Ala akmalil `alamina Seyyidina Mouhammadini s-salawat (sallam)

Salawatoul-lahi ta`ala wa mala'ikatihi wa anbiya'ihi wa rousoulih wa jami`i khalqihi `ala Mouhammadin wa `ala aali Mouhammad, `alayhi wa `alayhimou salam wa rahmatoullahi ta`ala wa barakatouhou, wa radiyal-lahou tabaraka wa ta`ala `an sadatina as-habi rasoulil-lahi ajma`iin, wa `ani taabi`iina bihim bi ihsan, wa `anil `oulama'il mouttaqiin, wa `anil awliya'is salihiin, wa `am-mashayikhina fit tariqatin Naqshoubandiyyatil `aliya, qaddasal-lahou ta`ala arwahahoumouz zakiya, wa nawwaral lahou ta`ala adrihatahoumoul moubaraka, qa a`adal-lahou ta`ala `aleyna min barakatihim wa fouyoudatihim da'iman wal hadoulil-lahi rabbil 'alamiin. Al-Fatiha (lire Fatiha)


Allahoumma balligh thawaba ma qara'nahou wa noura ma talawnahou hadiyatan wa asilatan minna ila rouhi Nabiyina Mouhammad (sallam) wa ila arwahil anbiya'i wal awliya'i, khassatan ila rouhi Shah Naqshband wa Cheikhina `Abdoullah ad-Daghistani, was siddiqiinal Fatiha (lire fatiha)

::  Ch. Hisham Kabbani  ::

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   Article aléatoire
Expensive Birds
Expensive Birds (Nasreddin Hodja approached to a crowd gathered around a man in the market of Aksehir)
Nasreddin Hodja :: 28 janvier 2002
   Dhikr - Rappel
De six bénéfices du dhikr
Du bruit pendant le dhikr
De l’istighfar
De l’usage des grains de prière (masbaha, sibha, tasbih)
Les étapes du dhikr et son accomplissement
De l’invocation des bénédictions sur le Prophète pbsl (salawat)
Dhikr en congrégation: Khatm-oul-Khwajagan
La Awrade Quotidienne - L'Awrade de l'initié
La Awrade Quotidienne - L'Awrade des préparés
La Awrade Quotidienne -L'Awrade des gens de la détermination
L'intention quotidienne
Le dhikr est la plus haute " obligation " et un commandement divin permanent
Des sens du mot dhikr
Des assemblées de Dhikr collectif et à voix haute
Des types et de la fréquence du dhikr
De la quantité de dhikr prescrite
De l’importance du dhikr silencieux
De la retraite (khalwa, `ouzla)
Du dhikr fait avec le mot " Allah "
Du dhikr fait avec les mots Hoo Haqq Hay
Le dhikr dans la religion
Du mouvement pendant le dhikr
De quelques hadiths sur les vertus du dhikr
Dhikr Naqshbandi en congrégation: Khatm-oul-Khwajagan
Des comparaisons que Dieu fait de l’attestation d’Unité
Tous les articles...







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   Citations  et anecdotes
:: Sharing the baklava (Baklava is a dessert, a sweet pastry which tastes very nice with pistachio nuts.) ::

A learned foreign scientist came to Aksehir and said he wanted to challenge the wits of the most knowledgeable person in the city. And of course, the townsfolk called for our Hodja.
When Hodja arrived, the scientist drew a circle in the sand with a stick. Hodja frowned, took the stick, and divided the circle in two.
The scientist then drew another line through the circle that divided it into four equal parts. Hodja pretended to gather three parts toward himself and to push the remaining part toward the scientist.
The scientist then raised his arm above his head, and wiggling his extended fingers, he slowly lowered his hand to the ground. Hodja did exactly the same thing but in the opposite direction, moving his hand from the ground to a height above his head.
And, that completed the scientist's tests, which he explained privately to the city council.
- Your Hodja is very clever man, he began, I showed him that the world is round and he confirmed it but indicated that 'it also has an equator'. And when I divided the world into 4 parts, he indicated that it is Ɖ parts water and 1 part land', which I can't deny. Finally, I asked what is the origin of rain? He answered quite rightly that 'water rises as steam to the sky, makes cloud, and later returns to earth as rain.'
When they got him alone, the ordinary townsfolk asked the Hodja what the challenge was all about? Hodja said,
- Well, that other fellow first asked, 'Suppose we have this round tray of baklava? So, I said, 'You can't eat it all by yourself, you know. So, I'll take half.' Then he got a little rude, saying, 'What will you do if I cut it into 4 parts?' That upset me, so I said, 'In that case, I'll take three of the parts and only leave you one!' That softened him up, I think, because then, with the motion of his hand, he said, 'Well, I suppose I could add some pistachio nuts on top of the baklava.' I cooled down too and said, 'That's fine with me, but you'll need to cook it under full flame, because an ash fire just won't be hot enough'. When I said that, he knew I was right, and gave up the game.
:: Nasreddin Hodja ::
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